About Civil Engineering


About the Department

The field of civil engineering is developing steadily in recent years as we have now realized the importance of infrastructure development. In its regular academic programs, the department offers basic course in Structural Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, System approach in civil Engineering, Structural analysis and design and Engineering Geology. The laboratories are equipped with the state of the art equipment. The projects offered are in keeping with the needs of the industry and the recent advancement in the technical field. The Civil Engineering department has recently been assigned projects of HUDCO in which low cost housing in rural and urban areas are being constructed. One such low-cost housing building in the institute funded by HUDCO serves as an example to the public living in rural and urban areas of Bhagalpur. The department also serves as state technical agency to the ministry of rural development Govt. of India. ENERGY PARK is proposed to be stabilized on campus at the instance of of BREDA, Govt. of Bihar for demonstration and dissemination of bio/human, solar, wind, hydal, tidal, wave, lunar, thunder energies.